Friday, August 31, 2012

In our back yard

The parrots come and sit on the electric wires some times, several days in a row when Bobby was working out on the patio they came and kept watching him real close, every move he made their heads would turn and watch him closely! I think most of the time small groups of them (7 to 9)of them. Then I got angry when I came out the other day and they were grabbing pecans off our tree and just dropping them, they rolled down the shed one after the other, I yelled at them and they flew off. There must have been 50 pecans on the ground. Grrrr I wished I had my camera with me yesterday late in the afternoon as I saw what I thought was a white bird on the ground just a few feet from our bird bath, it was pecking away on the ground. I got closer and saw that it was a parakeet, a quite large one, it was actually pale to bright yellow and a patch of green on it's back. I am going to watch for it as some times they hang around in the same area for awhile

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