Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary August 29
To Rex and Marge Rexroad
To Rex and Marge Rexroad
I ask Marge if they went out for Dinner on their anniversary and yes they did. We had our usual Happy Hour Wednesday and they didn't show, so we all thought they must have gone out to eat to celebrate. Neither one of them looks old enough to have celebrated 60 years of marriage.
We had our usual Coffee and Donuts this morning. Carol and Caroll Jones provided them.
We are having a potluck dinner Monday for Labor Day. Bobby and I went over and swept and arranged tables and cleaned off all tables and kitchen counters as we haven't used the big hall in quite some time. So far we have over 40 coming.
Around the park...
The street by the 3 dumpsters in the back was getting "hilly" from the heat on the black top and the garbage trucks causing the big bumps so all along those few dumpsters the street has been dug up and new concrete poured. Also some concrete poured up by the new Sales office. The men still working on getting the fence painted, awfully hot so they work out there in the mornings. Probably finish today. We have the hardest working maintance men in the Valley. And still having high temperatures...upper 90's to 100 and lows 79 to 85 each morning, also high humidity. this has been going on for way too many months!!!!