Winter Cards

More Orkut Picture Scraps
Thanks to Judy Dekoning for doing the newsletter this week. I took Bobby to Mexico for another Dental appointment, they are so busy over there now that we had to take this appointment. We have to go back next week also but it will be Monday afternoon.
We have had some beautiful weather but the next week looks kind of cold, upper 60's for highs
It looks like some really lovely Christmas decorations going up around the park! I will try to get some pictures.
Chair John Geer called meeting to order.
Bev Telfor led us in the “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – John Geer
Secretary Report – Max Topel
Treasurer Report – Sandy Novak
New Chairs are asked to request a form from Sandy re: money
Properties Report – Ron Zoller: Damaged cord on coffee maker has been replaced. There’s been a request to put chairs away after Monday meetings for Line Dancing Tuesday.
Report from Managers Craig and Dana Daves:
Please pay attention to people in the Park; get license numbers when possible and REPORT to Management. There have been solicitors knocking on doors. NO SOLICITING IS ALLOWED IN THE PARK.
Again – Pick up waste from your pets!!
When coming in at night, stop to assure the gate closes after you and nobody enters who’s not supposed to be here. When leaving make sure nobody swings over from the entrance and comes in. There will be a park wide Christmas Decorating contest. Date/Details TBA
If you have a camper stored in A or B rows, please see Craig.
Maps, new rules of the Park, etc. have been put in all mailboxes. Please fill out and return the info form to the Office. New stickers are provided, but old ones are fine.
Thanx to the Elves for decorating the Office. Decorations are sparse and if you have extra, or ones to loan it would be appreciated.
Board Members -- Properties – Ron Zoeller, Mike Reiff, Larry Pavlis; Finance – Sandy Novak, Gordon Amos, Jim Moeller.
Helen Curtis asks we call 603-674-3869, if we know of someone needing card due to illness/death in family. Cards to sign are in office area. If you call her ; leave message, leave name. Card is up for Carol Hansen on the death of her mother. A card will be put up for Martha Millenger, former resident.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at
Website for park is
Club website by Judi Dekoning is .. for “members only” page, the password is riovalley.
Upcoming Events
December 7th - Patio Sale
December 10th – Blood Profile talk b/4 meeting
December 11th Italian Dinner
December 13th – Ladies Wine Party
December 18th Golf cart parade
December 20th – Mens party
December 21st Christmas Show
December 25th Christmas Dinner
December 31st New Years Party in Hall
There are packages at the back of the Hall for Christmas gifts for Roberto and Jesse.
Nancy Gonnerman #23 takes blood pressure readings prior to Monday meetings (behind stage).
Activity Calendars for the 2018 - 2019 season are posted. Let Judi DeKoning #67 know of additions or changes.
Notify news editor (standing in for Mary Lou Benson), Donna Gabbert at #270, 956-968-6684, if aware of changes in Chairman of activities and or wanting anything published in the newsletter, Signed written notes please.
Park Breakfast is enjoyed at Fiesta Tex-Mex on Thursdays, 8 a.m. All are welcome.
Are you sorting through your valuable items? Get busy .. PATIO SALE is Friday, Dec. 7th.
Don't forget Golfers! Draw for Tea times at 10:00a.m. Friday, golf at 12:00
A reminder from Joyce Amos. The Ladies Wine and Cheese Party, is Dec. 13th at 3:00p.m. Bring a wine glass in a gift bag to exchange and a bottle of wine, or your choice, to share and $3.00
Italian Dinner on Dec. 11th – Soup, Lasagna, Salad, Breadsticks, and Dessert. Social Hour at 4:30, dinner at 5. $9.00 pp Tickets are going rapidly; only 6 left. They will take names for a cancellation list. Will serve restaurant style. Bring table service and a ‘to go’ dish. Chair Kunkels #411
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