Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24th

Good morning!

This morning Tom and Mary Lou Benson provided the donuts!
They will be here until the 1st of June.
My neighbor Maria has been busy giving our card room a complete cleaning, every inch.!!!
She already did the office and lobby area. She's very thurough
Dana is trying to decide what color to paint the walls in the big hall. Possibly a light shade of gray.
She also has had the cup holder on the East wall in the card room taken down and cleaned and painted, it sure looks good! nice and clean, and all cups will be washed.
Doesn't that look much better? Office is doing labels with your name, for cups that you wish to leave on the newly painted board
I don't know what Dana's plans are for the bulletin boards but there will be some welcome changes there too.

Can you see the bunches of bananas on these trees? I see 3 bunches. I made the picture large so you could make them out. I think they're amazing!

There's not much else to write about, the park looking great. There was some more wire put down so dogs could not get under the fence over by the Motel.
The men working out in this 95 to 100 degree heat, I don't know how they can stand it. We have had windy days and very hot weather, and it's continuing for I don't know how long.
Until next week....

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