RVE CLUB MEETING – Chair Judy Nordquist called meeting to order. We recited “Pledge to the Flag” & sang “God Bless America”. Meeting closed by singing club song, ”We Love Our Valley Home”.
Accompanist – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – John Norris
Secretary – Virginia Baker
Treasurer – Sandy Olson
Important notes from Chairperson:
Please slow down when driving in the park.
No solicitation allowed within the park.
Managers’ Report – Judy said a hearing aid was found in the men’s restroom. If you are missing one, this is in the office. No report from management as Nathan is to have surgery next week. He’s had a recurrence of his liver cancer. We wish him the best. Website for park is riovalleyestates.com
Board Members -- Properties – George Morgan, Lynn Stamp, Mark Probst; Finance – Vicki Davis, Gordon Amos, Sandy Olson. If you have issues to present, contact any board member. They sit in a group toward the right front of Friendship Hall prior to Monday meeting.
Virginia Baker gave Secretary report. It was approved.
Sandy Olson gave Treasurer’s report, accepted.
Mark Probst reported for Properties. He thanked all who bring recycling items & load in his truck. Some items that are not recyclable include anything that does not have triangle with number, foam, paper plates. He is delivering recycling items twice a week.
TY to Patty Lamp & Pam Brustkern who served coffee & donuts this morning. There is a signup sheet if you wish to provide donuts in honor of a special occasion. If no one signs up, club will pay. Bring donuts by 8:15 a.m.
If you don’t have an RVE name tag, check with Donna Gabbert who makes these. We encourage folks to wear them.
Donna Gabbert puts cards in office area for your signature. If you know of someone needing card due to illness or death in family, call her at 956-968-6684. Cards this week: Nathan, hospitalization; Christy Jones, unexpected death of her son.
Club Board will prepare biscuits & gravy with scrambled eggs Feb. 5 & Feb. 12. Ed Tice & crew return with pancakes, sausage & eggs Feb. 19 & 26. Serving is 7-8:30 a.m. Bring own table service. Price is $5 pp this week.
Craig Daves, dance chair, encourages all to come enjoy tonight’s dance, 7–9:30 p.m. Sweetwater will be with us. This is a 4-piece group. Admission is $7 pp. BYOB. Thanks to all who stay following morning meeting to put chairs on tables for floor cleaning. You may reserve table after 4 p.m.
Marylyn Mason urges all to attend “Justin Terry” Friday night, 7 p.m. Tickets are $8 at the door. 50-50 draw will be held. Many parks have reported low attendance & she thanked all for good response in our park. Entertainers say our hall is one of the best across the Valley.
Some folks, even those who are vaccinated, may be concerned about spread of Covid. Feel free to wear mask to any event/activity.
Donna Gabbert keeps us informed with a blog. Find it at www.donnasramblingsatrve.blogspot.com Her email is bodogabby@aol.com.
Upcoming Events:
Feb. 3 – Craft Sale, 8 a.m. to noon, Arleta Blevins & Vickie Davis chair .. lunch with homemade pies served
Feb. 9 – Stroke Prevention Tests, noon or 12:30, big hall
Feb. 9 – Pizza Party, Peter Piper Pizza, 11:30 a.m.
Feb. 11 – Blood Profile Tests, 6:30 a.m., big hall, fasting
Feb. 13 – Anniversary Party, 2 p.m., Friendship Hall, sign up sheet is in Friendship Hall
Feb. 16 – ½ August Birthday Party, more info to follow soon
Feb. 22 – 2-22-22 2-Soup Supper, Judy DeKoning says she is spokesperson, time?
Feb. 24 – Iowa Dinner, Rollo/Arlene Fisher in charge, potluck
March 3 – ROPA Style Show, 1 p.m., Pat Printy chairs, $1 pp
March 10 – Ladies’ Salad/Dessert Luncheon, 12 noon
Dave Johnson at Lot #93 said new park directories should be back from printer by next week, $2 each.
TY from Judy to these Monday workers: Jan Delashmit who plays piano; Dave Johnson/Jose Ponce who set up hall; Patty Lamp who said she’ll serve donuts entire season; Phyllis Branstetter/George Morgan who make the coffee; & Pam Brustkern who picks up donuts unless someone has signed up for special occasion.
Dean Ricke thanked the 58 residents who attended last Wednesday’s Peter Piper Pizza Party! Next party will be Feb. 9, 11:30 a.m.
Thanks to all who came to the Bean Feed last Thursday .. and to Dick & Maxine Topel who cooked the meal.
Chances are being sold on the Queen Size Quilt our ladies embroidered. Purchase 1 chance for $1, 6 for $5, says Sharon Sprague. Drawing will be Feb. 14.
NO HAPPY HOUR THIS WEEK. If you would be willing to host a future Happy Hour, signup on board.
Couples’ Line Dance will not be held during February as instructor Judy Shively will not be here.
Stroke Prevention Tests are Wed., Feb. 9, in big hall. These will begin at noon or 12:30 p.m. Stuart Dunivan spoke at our meeting about these tests.
Blood Profile Tests are 6:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 11, in hall. Fast prior to test. See signup sheet + prices in both halls. An added test this year is for COVID antibodies at an add’l $40. Basic screening is $20. Dave Almquist was at our meeting today to explain the screening tests.
Upcoming Events you don’t want to miss!
Arleta Blevins & Vickie Davis chair Craft Show this Thursday, Feb. 3, 8 a.m. to noon. Lunch will be served. There is a signup sheet if you can bring pie! A couple of glass pie plates were left after last event. If yours, come pick these up & you could return with two more pies. 😊
Our annual Anniversary Party will be Sun., Feb. 13, at 2 p.m. This is for couples having been married 50-55-60-65-70-75 years April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022. Dana & Craig Daves chair. There are 5 couples being honored. Please sign up if you plan to attend.
Judy DeKoning is coordinating two events in February .. more info upcoming about the ½ August Birthday Party on Feb. 16; and the 2-22-22 2-Soup Supper on Feb. 22.
Arlene & Rollo Fisher announce there will be an Iowa Dinner in Friendship Hall Feb. 24. This will be NOON potluck with no charge. See sign up sheet in hall.
Pat Printy took a count of those who would like a ROPA Style Show to be held. Good response, so she will chair this on March 3, 1 p.m. $1 pp. She needs helpers & models. There will be a sign up sheet.
Ladies’ Salad/Dessert Luncheon will be held Thursday, March 10, at noon. Bring $1 & salad or dessert. Chairs are Judy Greenlee, Jean Stamp, Judy Shively.
GAME RESULTS: Place scores, winner names, complete info on dates & name of game in plastic container back of Friendship Hall. WRITE LEGIBLY!
BEAN BAG – Jan. 25 – Diane Branstetter, Virgil White
Jan. 26 – Russel Branstetter, Al Jacobs
BOWLING – Pins & Cues
CANASTA – Table of 4 –
Jan. 24 – Judy Shively, Vern Cummins 29575
Table of 6 –
Jan. 24 – Fran Hryniw, Jean Stamp, Juanita Fisher 36905
Jan. 28 – Beverly Yancey, Juanita Fisher, Fran Hryniw 44900
CRIBBAGE – Jan. 27 – Millie Ricke 715
DOMINOES – Mexican Train – Jan. 25 – Marge Reishus, Mary Lou Sirovy, ann Johnson, Russ Branstetter, Marilyn Cummins, Diane Branstetter, Mardell Blom, Janel Baker, Fran Hryniw, Don Lewis, Virginia Baker; Jan. 30 – Russ Branstetter, Marilyn Cummins, Karen Bolte, Donald Lewis, Virginia Baker, Mary Lou Sirovy, Ann Johnson, Vern Cummins, Donna Gabbert, Rex Pio, Marvin Weeder
DUMMY RUMMY – Jan. 29 –
1st – Mary Lou Benson 238 2nd – Pam Brustkern 242
3rd – Denny Argo 258 4th – Sandy Lenius 260
PINOCHLE – Single Deck – Jan. 27 –
1st – Steve St. Clair 473
2nd – Sharoh Bussinger 454
SHUFFLING – Jan. 25 – Henry Hryniw, Russell Branstetter
Jan. 26 – Dave Johnson, Russell Branstetter
TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER – Jan. 28 – 1st – Lynn Stamp
2nd – John Quail 2nd – Jean Stamp
TIC – Jan. 19 – Editor did not find score sheet on this game. Submit it next week?