These Fridays come around fast!
Farleys and Telfor's got donuts this morning!
Only one card up to sign for Bobby. I just heard that Jan Philipp's Son-in-law had an accident on a 3 or 4 wheeler, broken clavical and some ribs. Also Gordon Lamp having lung and liver tests over to Renasaince Hosp. He has been in the hospital.
Well, we were supposed to leave yesterday but Tuesday morning ended up in the ER. By the way the new ER is very nice, we waited a few minutes is all. Bobby complaining of severe pain in lower back. He figured it was a kidney stone as he had one before, well, they did a cat-scan and the Dr. there said it was quite large one, a 9mm, so he asked what hospital would we want to go to and since Bobby's Dr. is at Renaisance we said we would go there. Dr. called and talked to Bobby's Dr. and he said EMS can take him over there, told me the room no. he would be in. So efficient! I was impressed. So he had the stone blasted and found more stones also. So now waiting for word when he can come home. Bleeding which should not have been, was caused by Bobby taking that low dose aspirin. He was just advised to start taking it 10 months ago.
Mgrs. Bob and Viki were going to follow us on up to the Campout. I had a tear when he was pulling the camper of theirs to their mobile to load it. We had loaded everything except last minute refrigerator stuff.
so I unloaded it all.
I just made home made noodles with chicken . Also baked Banana bread ( Suzy homemaker) today!!!!
Bobby would laugh as I was out doing His chores yesterday pulling a few weeds, watering plants, moving some around, trimming a bush, I came in the house completely covered with sweat and it was getting in my eyes and burning lol.
It sure is dry here now. The grass is starting to get brown. I love the pool area and just was told they decided not to put grass on the East end but rock of some kind, maybe river rock. not sure.
The house across from us which was Southworths is up for sale, the man bought it for his Mother but she died and he said he wanted to sell it pretty bad. Ron and Rita Sutherland want to sell their mobile, it is beautiful and I am sure it will sell quickly. A garage attached, nice!
I hope I get lots of pictures sent to me from the Clermont campout, if and when I do I will post them.We still want to come to Iowa later on this summer, it would be neat to come when the Spencer, Ia. fair is on.
Take care everyone!
Friday, July 31, 2015
Friday, July 24, 2015
Friday July 24th
We just flew back from Wendover, Nevada, a really fun time, Hamlets went also. It was so cool there, lows in the 60's high about 85! The plane and Casinos were so cold we both said next time we are taking long pants and jackets!
I am late with news today, sorry. Had to go have a test at hosp. they take so long. We did get to coffee and donuts this morning. We saw Ken and Sue Barnhart off for their vacation. And we are to leave this coming Thursday.
Bill clement is in Re-Hab, and also a card up for Gordon Lamp, hospital, don't know how he's doing yet or for what reason, since we just got back.
I may post something in a day or so, I want to get pictures of the pool area...when they get done!!!can't wait to show them!!!
I am late with news today, sorry. Had to go have a test at hosp. they take so long. We did get to coffee and donuts this morning. We saw Ken and Sue Barnhart off for their vacation. And we are to leave this coming Thursday.
Bill clement is in Re-Hab, and also a card up for Gordon Lamp, hospital, don't know how he's doing yet or for what reason, since we just got back.
I may post something in a day or so, I want to get pictures of the pool area...when they get done!!!can't wait to show them!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dr. Elizabeth Jean Thomson
- BORN: October 4, 1950
- DIED: July 14, 2015
- LOCATION: Jefferson, Iowa
Elizabeth Jean Thomson, age 64, died peacefully in her Jefferson, Iowa home in the early morning hours of July 14, 2015. She was born on October 4th, 1950, near Waukon, Iowa to Lester "Bill" and Ann Laurayne (Guider) Thomson. On June 12, 1983, Elizabeth married James William Hanson. They lived in Coralville, Iowa for many years, where their beloved daughter Jennifer was born, and they helped raise James' children Catherine, John, and David.
Elizabeth had an extraordinary and rewarding career that took her from being a nurse specializing in labor and delivery; to becoming a genetic counselor, eventually founding an international group for nurses in genetics; to two decades as a program director for the National Human Genome Research Institute's Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Division.
Elizabeth completed her nursing training at St. Luke's Hospital and her undergraduate degree in nursing from Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She earned a Master's in Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health from the University of Iowa and a Doctorate of Nursing Science from Johns Hopkins University. She was highly regarded as a pioneer in her field, with many publications that included seminal works in nursing genetics and public health. During her tenure she received numerous awards and distinctions for her outstanding work and service. Elizabeth was a mentor to many aspiring professionals, and was acknowledged for her inspiration and support to colleagues.
Family and friends remember Elizabeth for her generosity, humor and style. Always ready to laugh, bake bread, put a puzzle together, play a game of cards, talk about roses, or listen to any story, she made each person feel special, loved, understood and well-fed. Elizabeth's love for people and all things good were the basis of countless family gatherings and regular parties, as she welcomed people from all walks of life and all parts of the world into her home.
Elizabeth is survived by her husband James W. Hanson; their daughter Jennifer and her husband Cody Schebel and their daughter Kaitlyn Elizabeth; stepdaughter Catherine and her husband Lee Balthazar and their sons Ryan, Ian and William; stepson John Hanson and his children Emma and James, and their mother Shay Dinata Hanson; stepson David Hanson and his wife Jennifer Kavka and their children Benjamin and Sasha. Other survivors include her siblings Thomas (Lynn) Thomson, Carolyn Thomson (Gene Meyer), Kathy (Loren) Taylor, and Kris Tyree; and many nieces and nephews, including Jill, Jason, and Mark Taylor; and Todd Meyer and his daughters Chelsey and Courtney. Elizabethwas preceded in death by her mother and father, her dear niece Lori Meyer, and her brother-in-law Thomas Tyree.
Visitation will be at Hastings Funeral Home in Jefferson, Iowa on Sunday, July 19th, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Family will be in attendance from 4:00 to 6:00. Funeral services will be at the First United Methodist Church in Jefferson, Iowa, on Monday, July 20th, from 10:00 to 12:00. A private interment is planned.
Elizabeth's family wishes to recognize the extraordinary kindness, love, and generosity of their friends, especially long-time family friend Betty Johnson; John and Alice Hamilton, Denise O-Brien Van, and the JCHS Class of 1961; the many friends and relatives from Jefferson, Greene County and the state of Iowa; and the caregivers who welcomed her to Jefferson and made it possible for her to live and die at home. Susan and Duane Forkner, Billy Jo and John Hovick, Danene Peña, Denise Moranville, and the staff of St. Jude Hospice, you have made an indelible mark on our hearts.
Elizabeth had an extraordinary and rewarding career that took her from being a nurse specializing in labor and delivery; to becoming a genetic counselor, eventually founding an international group for nurses in genetics; to two decades as a program director for the National Human Genome Research Institute's Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Division.
Elizabeth completed her nursing training at St. Luke's Hospital and her undergraduate degree in nursing from Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She earned a Master's in Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health from the University of Iowa and a Doctorate of Nursing Science from Johns Hopkins University. She was highly regarded as a pioneer in her field, with many publications that included seminal works in nursing genetics and public health. During her tenure she received numerous awards and distinctions for her outstanding work and service. Elizabeth was a mentor to many aspiring professionals, and was acknowledged for her inspiration and support to colleagues.
Family and friends remember Elizabeth for her generosity, humor and style. Always ready to laugh, bake bread, put a puzzle together, play a game of cards, talk about roses, or listen to any story, she made each person feel special, loved, understood and well-fed. Elizabeth's love for people and all things good were the basis of countless family gatherings and regular parties, as she welcomed people from all walks of life and all parts of the world into her home.
Elizabeth is survived by her husband James W. Hanson; their daughter Jennifer and her husband Cody Schebel and their daughter Kaitlyn Elizabeth; stepdaughter Catherine and her husband Lee Balthazar and their sons Ryan, Ian and William; stepson John Hanson and his children Emma and James, and their mother Shay Dinata Hanson; stepson David Hanson and his wife Jennifer Kavka and their children Benjamin and Sasha. Other survivors include her siblings Thomas (Lynn) Thomson, Carolyn Thomson (Gene Meyer), Kathy (Loren) Taylor, and Kris Tyree; and many nieces and nephews, including Jill, Jason, and Mark Taylor; and Todd Meyer and his daughters Chelsey and Courtney. Elizabethwas preceded in death by her mother and father, her dear niece Lori Meyer, and her brother-in-law Thomas Tyree.
Visitation will be at Hastings Funeral Home in Jefferson, Iowa on Sunday, July 19th, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Family will be in attendance from 4:00 to 6:00. Funeral services will be at the First United Methodist Church in Jefferson, Iowa, on Monday, July 20th, from 10:00 to 12:00. A private interment is planned.
Elizabeth's family wishes to recognize the extraordinary kindness, love, and generosity of their friends, especially long-time family friend Betty Johnson; John and Alice Hamilton, Denise O-Brien Van, and the JCHS Class of 1961; the many friends and relatives from Jefferson, Greene County and the state of Iowa; and the caregivers who welcomed her to Jefferson and made it possible for her to live and die at home. Susan and Duane Forkner, Billy Jo and John Hovick, Danene Peña, Denise Moranville, and the staff of St. Jude Hospice, you have made an indelible mark on our hearts.
This is Carolyn Thomson's sister. I thought this lady must be so special and want Carolyn to know we are so sorry for her loss
I just got an email from my Sister, Mickey, who lives in Jefferson (my home town) that she will be serving lunch after the service.She also graduated with Elizabeth's husband, Jim
I just got an email from my Sister, Mickey, who lives in Jefferson (my home town) that she will be serving lunch after the service.She also graduated with Elizabeth's husband, Jim
My computer is so messed up...I dont know if I can even post pictures until I get it straightened out. I had some pictures of the guys pouring concrete yesterday at the pool, tried to download them and I had no luck. don't know what's going on. Also took a picture of the new front awning at Kay Henrikson's #263.
We are dry now so all the mowing people have gotten caught up, thank God!
No news as far as sickness, except Bill Clement has been very ill, after his Cancer surgery he got shingles. He's been in bed for way over a week now and can barely get up, his Son said last night he is some what better.
Bill Hamlet has trapped over 8 possums, they are attracted to any yard with those papaya trees. Behind us they have planted 3 of them and Bill has caught several back there, one huge female had 14 babies hanging on her teets
The office is preparing the walls to paint them. they have stained the new cupboards, It is going to look really nice.These mgrs. are go getters!
Shellitos are still having work done on their new mobile
Tomarrow Gene Koliba is fixing biscuits and gravy instead of us having donuts. That will be a treat.
That's about all the news I know for now.
If I get my pictures to download I will post them!
Ok I got the pictures downloaded on my laptop so here they are........remember any pictures posted, just click on them to make them larger!
G&G does most all the concrete work here in the park, Gil and crew do a great job!!
Here's a picture of Kays new awning....The top is half finished, it will be really nice
We are dry now so all the mowing people have gotten caught up, thank God!
No news as far as sickness, except Bill Clement has been very ill, after his Cancer surgery he got shingles. He's been in bed for way over a week now and can barely get up, his Son said last night he is some what better.
Bill Hamlet has trapped over 8 possums, they are attracted to any yard with those papaya trees. Behind us they have planted 3 of them and Bill has caught several back there, one huge female had 14 babies hanging on her teets
The office is preparing the walls to paint them. they have stained the new cupboards, It is going to look really nice.These mgrs. are go getters!
Shellitos are still having work done on their new mobile
Tomarrow Gene Koliba is fixing biscuits and gravy instead of us having donuts. That will be a treat.
That's about all the news I know for now.
If I get my pictures to download I will post them!
Ok I got the pictures downloaded on my laptop so here they are........remember any pictures posted, just click on them to make them larger!
G&G does most all the concrete work here in the park, Gil and crew do a great job!!
Here's a picture of Kays new awning....The top is half finished, it will be really nice
Friday, July 10, 2015
Story City Potluck
These pictures were sent to me...Story City Potluck held this Wednesday July 8th
Next years Chairman, Nancy Argo, I think John Geer was Charing this year. 53 attended. I see several former R.V.E.ers there, The Sextons, Ellis Hauser, and Marilym Babbitt.
I see Henningsen's, Grace Thornton, The Bryants
Ellis Hauser, The Sherman's and???
This morning Janelle Baker got the donuts again!
I heard from Betty Aderton, and she had cellulitus in her right foot and up her leg, she got a shot, hope she's doing ok.
We have new men in the park doing a lot of the work on the pool area, taking out the rock, dirt etc. getting ready for concrete, and sod, atleast I assume they will put sod down on the East sides of the pool as you come through the gate. quite a lot of the rock and huge amount of dirt piled in the R.V. section where they need to fill low spots. I have the before picture taken and waiting for an after picture.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Do you all remember Mr. Cauldwell?
I see where Brad, his Son-in-law died, I had heard that he had Cancer. Brad was Paul Turner's Son, Paul was a former resident, and Brad married Gerald and Dorothy's Daughter Karen.
All Pauls children have visited here.
When we had Western Days years ago we had a jail, and people got arrested and Gerald was the Judge. We had a lot of fun with Gerald and his wife Dorothy.
In Memory of
Gerald Cauldwell
April 10, 1916 - July 6, 2015
Memorial Service
Friday, July 17, 2015 | 3:00 pm
Resthaven Mortuary
11800 West Highway 54, Wichita, KS 67209 | (316) 722-2100
Cauldwell, Gerald, 99, passed away on July 6, 2015. Gerald was a Washburn Alumni, member of the Bar Association, former Chautauqua County Attorney, retired IRS Agent and Consultant for Smith, Shay, Farmer and Wetta. He was preceded in death by: his wife, Dorothy Cauldwell; son, Jack Cauldwell; and son-in-law, Brad Turner. Gerald is survived by daughters, Sue (Art) Chabino, Karen Turner and Cindy (Scott) Neff; 7 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Memorial service will be held at Resthaven Mortuary on Friday, July 17, at 3:00 PM. A memorial has been established with American Heart Association , 8630 E 32nd Ct N, Wichita, KS 67226
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Friday, July 3, 2015
The Gibbs boys
Isnt this neat? Norman and his Son, Fred, Fred's Son, Louk, and Louk's son Wyatt... 4 generations of first born Son's! Think you will live to see 5 generations Norman? Very possible!!!
Friday July 3rd
Well, we will be having our July 4th party tomarrow. Sam and Helen are smoking a turkey and also Ken and Bobby doing brats on the grill.
Dorothy Ritter provided donuts today!
We really enjoyed a visit from Speedy and Doris LaFond Wednesday. speedy has a Daughter and family that still lives here South of town. They looked great and was so good to see them!
We had a fun time Wednesday evening , it was Rex Rexroads birthday and we had really good finger food and then banana splits for everyone!
This morning at donuts, I snapped a picture or two....
I was in shock when I saw how the hot tub turned out after Gordon cleaned it yesterday! I thought all the stains and rust was just the way it was but all those stains came out with all the work Gordon did to it...a great job Gordy!!!!!!!
We have the best Management team ever!!!!!!!!
A word about the lawns...they are sooooo bad, the lawns Gene has been doing....
He can't seem to catch up, the grass is over a foot out in the street on about 40 lawns, the park offered to help with some but was refused. Some grass over a foot tall, that should have been weed eated
That's about all I can tell ya for this week, I may take a few pictures on the 4th, Irene and John Quail have company this week Irenes Son and family are here! Their Son, Aden has really grown and filled out, he will be in the 5th grade this coming year. He wants to celebrate his Birthday every year down here with his Grandma and the folks here in the park, rather than have a big party back home, I think that is so neat.
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