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Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thank you from Rollo

Now isn't this wonderful? Several of Rollo's friends went together and made him this great 4 Wheeler. They even personalized it by painting a sign in the front...
"Rollos 4 Wheeler"!!
Rio Valley Estates is known to be the friendliest park around and this just proves it!
So here's a Thank you from Rollo!
Monday, December 20, 2010
December 20th
My goodness what a turn out for the Christmas Caroling! I think some just wanted the Hay ride!! It looked like everyone was having a great time and they sounded really good, put us in the Christmas mood forsure!
I hope you didnt get bored with all the Christmas light slide shows...we didnt want to leave anyone out who had gone to all the work putting up lights. But trying to capture good pictures of Christmas lights is not easy and my Sister, Mickey and I both tried each others camera and the results were the same.
The meeting went smooth this morning, Rex Rexroad filled in for Judy Nordquist.
Martha Millender gave the invocation this morning.
They talked about how the attendance to the dances are down this year, and The Norby's turned in a good sum for the Sat. morning breakfasts, Our new entertainment chairman, Brock reminded us to come for Thursday night for the Entertainment, a Christmas special, he's working on getting better lighting for our stage, Art Voss mentioned the Christmas dinner and over 220 signed up.They also talked about the Veterans Dinner coming up in Jan. and they will serve chicken and noodles.
Marty Williams is still in the hospital, he had a cyst on the brain and had it drained or removed, dont know which. Will keep you all posted as how he's coming along.
Will write more soon!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Dec. 13th
Brrr! It's cold today! We are only to get up to the 60's today. But we can't complain too much after watching on the news all the snowy weather they're having up North. the blizzard that hit Minnesota was so monstrous.
Rita Henningsen led us in the pledge and God Bless America and Dorothy Borah gave the invocation. Cards were sent to, Leon Cheathams Mother, Cancer, Marty Williams has a cyst and has to have surgery,very serious,Helen Fegter, former resident had back surgery.Victor Tramm passed away, he was here with his wife Lucille for many years then due to failing health moved to John Knox Village, Lucille passed away several years ago.
The Christmas program was really well attended and everyone commented on how nice it was. And so many tasty goodies after. Our golf cart parade was really well attended too. And of course finger food after! Hard on the waistline this time of year!
Harvey and Dot Roush are here renting The Thorpe's park model. I visited with them today.They plan on being here until March.They were in our park for many years, and have been coming for short visits the last few years, they're from Oklahoma.
Darlene Griffin has a Birthday Dec. 16th, Verlyn Westrum has a birthday on the 14th of this month, also my neighbor Judy Anselmin and Albeza Vallejo
I made some Fruit Cake cookies, Carolyn Bakers recipe. I didnt have it but Mary Christianson did and let me borrow it.I sure miss ole Carolyn.She was quite a character and lived here in the park for many years, until her health got bad and she moved back to Oklahoma.
Well, until next time...
Rita Henningsen led us in the pledge and God Bless America and Dorothy Borah gave the invocation. Cards were sent to, Leon Cheathams Mother, Cancer, Marty Williams has a cyst and has to have surgery,very serious,Helen Fegter, former resident had back surgery.Victor Tramm passed away, he was here with his wife Lucille for many years then due to failing health moved to John Knox Village, Lucille passed away several years ago.
The Christmas program was really well attended and everyone commented on how nice it was. And so many tasty goodies after. Our golf cart parade was really well attended too. And of course finger food after! Hard on the waistline this time of year!
Harvey and Dot Roush are here renting The Thorpe's park model. I visited with them today.They plan on being here until March.They were in our park for many years, and have been coming for short visits the last few years, they're from Oklahoma.
Darlene Griffin has a Birthday Dec. 16th, Verlyn Westrum has a birthday on the 14th of this month, also my neighbor Judy Anselmin and Albeza Vallejo
I made some Fruit Cake cookies, Carolyn Bakers recipe. I didnt have it but Mary Christianson did and let me borrow it.I sure miss ole Carolyn.She was quite a character and lived here in the park for many years, until her health got bad and she moved back to Oklahoma.
Well, until next time...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
December 15th
I was just informed by my Sister that I hadn't posted anything in this blog since last week...whoops! I guess I haven't got any news. Our meeting Monday was short and sweet...with the usual Mgr. report, Treasurers and Property report.
FYI our board members are: Properties- Bobby Thomas, Tom Duffy, & Bill Welch, and Finance- Jack Havertape, Doug Jass, & Bonnie Bryant.
They are needing to buy 2 new coffee urns this year, and that was discussed. There will be a special Christmas Show by Lynn Dvorak ( I guess someone Brock knows well)who entertains, it will be held Dec. 23rd.Brock also said there's a free Winter Texan health fair at the convention center in McAllen on Jan. 11th and 12th. He is looking into some better stage lighting for us also.
Irene Quail sent cards to JoAnn Sanstras family, she passed away Nov. 28th, she lived in mobile #82. Also a Thinking of you card to Josie Miller , her husband Bob is now in a Nursing Home.
Last Sunday there was a party for Alice Matson who's birthday is today, she is 90 years old. She was sure happy for all the special attention and she loves getting cards. I did a short Smile box for her which I will post.Besure to click on the little arrow to go to the next picture! I printed out pictures and put on the board in back of the Pool room.
I am doing the newsletter Monday for Mary Lou who will be gone, oh boy!
FYI our board members are: Properties- Bobby Thomas, Tom Duffy, & Bill Welch, and Finance- Jack Havertape, Doug Jass, & Bonnie Bryant.
They are needing to buy 2 new coffee urns this year, and that was discussed. There will be a special Christmas Show by Lynn Dvorak ( I guess someone Brock knows well)who entertains, it will be held Dec. 23rd.Brock also said there's a free Winter Texan health fair at the convention center in McAllen on Jan. 11th and 12th. He is looking into some better stage lighting for us also.
Irene Quail sent cards to JoAnn Sanstras family, she passed away Nov. 28th, she lived in mobile #82. Also a Thinking of you card to Josie Miller , her husband Bob is now in a Nursing Home.
Last Sunday there was a party for Alice Matson who's birthday is today, she is 90 years old. She was sure happy for all the special attention and she loves getting cards. I did a short Smile box for her which I will post.Besure to click on the little arrow to go to the next picture! I printed out pictures and put on the board in back of the Pool room.
I am doing the newsletter Monday for Mary Lou who will be gone, oh boy!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday November 29th
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We sure enjoyied Dinner at the Hall, over 200 were there and plenty of food. I did do a short slide show but I didn't take many pictures so you may notice there isn't any pictures at the end of the slide show.
Darlene called the meeting to order for her last Monday morning as Chairman, with Marge Rexroad with the Invocation. There's not a whole lot to tell as alot of repeat from last week. Irene Quail sent cards to Les Reynalds, hosp. for breathing problems, Ann Johnson broke her hand in several places,requiring surgery, Elaine Perkins, breast cancer, Marlene Prohaska surgery, and Joann Sanstra who lives in #82
passed away.
Judy Nordquist will be the new Chairman for December and Rexroad co-chair.
The flea market is coming up this Friday from 8:00 to Noon, the golf cart parade on the 9th and the Christmas program on the 10th. Alice Matson's 90th Birthday party will be on this Sunday at 2:00p.m. Cake and icecream served.
I will try to keep up with taking pictures etc. for some of the events.
That's all folks!
Darlene called the meeting to order for her last Monday morning as Chairman, with Marge Rexroad with the Invocation. There's not a whole lot to tell as alot of repeat from last week. Irene Quail sent cards to Les Reynalds, hosp. for breathing problems, Ann Johnson broke her hand in several places,requiring surgery, Elaine Perkins, breast cancer, Marlene Prohaska surgery, and Joann Sanstra who lives in #82
passed away.
Judy Nordquist will be the new Chairman for December and Rexroad co-chair.
The flea market is coming up this Friday from 8:00 to Noon, the golf cart parade on the 9th and the Christmas program on the 10th. Alice Matson's 90th Birthday party will be on this Sunday at 2:00p.m. Cake and icecream served.
I will try to keep up with taking pictures etc. for some of the events.
That's all folks!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Duffy's Clock
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mondays meeting

We had our 4th meeting of the Season yesterday. Darlene Bryant still Chairman with Jan Philipp Secretery. Ken Borah gave the invocation and it was a reminder of Thanksgiving being a time to Thank God for all our blessings and not focus on it being "Turkey Day"
The usual reports on finances and property's and Mgr. report.
Art Voss said that only 43 attended the dance Mon. night.
Brock Laing is in charge of the entertainment this season and the first Entertainer will be here Jan. 7th and charging at the door $4.00 per person. also a special Christmas show to be held on Dec. 23rd.
Irene Quail sent cards to Sue and John Bicha, their nephew was killed in an accident, Loren Rutherford having knee surgery, Phylis Mosby fell, and was in hospital but home now. Irene still has some R.V.E. cookbooks for sale , would make a nice Christmas gift! If you aren't here maybe she would send you one.
There will be a Sat. breakfast this Sat. and in Dec. Mary Norby and crew will have the breakfast. It's rumored to be breakfast tacos, yum yum!
Our Thanksgiving dinner will be the 25th , flea market, Dec. 3rd , a birthday party for Alice Matson at 2p.m. Dec. 5th, Golf cart parade the 9th , Christmas program Dec. 10th and Dec. 19th will be Christmas caroling & Hay ride at 6:30
Well, that's about it for now, I probably will do a Smile box slide show of Thanksgiving day Dinner
Thursday, November 18, 2010
R.V.E. News

I don't know if I should continue with sharing news each week, so many people have returned to the Park already, but I will try to write some news for those not here yet.
We had our 3rd club meeting and so many new faces and those returning to our park. The 1st park dance was held Mon. but attendance was poor. The 1st jam will be held Dec. 9th with a new jam director, Ruth Drovin,? Most of us do not know her and wondered if she lived here in the park or what.
Cards sent, Ed Ratliff, shingles, Mary Hesli, knee surgery, a "Thank you" from Frank Willard for thinking of him while in the hospital.
Bobby Thomas having biscuits and gravy this week and may serve scrambled eggs and sausage for the following week.
We are having our flea market Dec. 3rd and a Golf cart parade the 9th. Dec. 19th will be a hay ride and Christmas caroling. Art and Mary Voss agreed to chair our Christmas Dinner!. Potlucks on Friday nights start in January when the entertainment begins. Tom Duffy made a beautiful Grandfather clock which is displayed on the stage, tickets are 6 for $5.00 or $1,00 for one, hope I win!!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
November 8th
Our weekly meeting went something like this
Darlene called the meeting to order and Judy Nordquist gave the invocation. Beverly Telfor led us in the pledge and singing of God Bless America
Connie gave a short mgr. report. Bobby Thomas gave a property report.And there was a treasury report.
The Monday night dances will start next Mon. instead of this Monday, (a mix up with Al Mikesh).
Irene said cards sent to: Frank Willard, hosp. tests, Larry and Colleen Bosler (new folks) brother died, Peg Bloom, knee surgery, Marlene Hicks surgery on the 11th, Dorothy Young, former resident called and said how nice that we remembered her with a card, and it meant a lot to her.
Martha and Anita provided the donuts for this Monday meeting both had birthdays Sat.
Looking for volunteers to do Christmas Dinner.
Sue and Ken Barnhart are chairing the golf cart and bicycle parade this year!
Flea market to be held Dec. 3rd
Happy Hour on the patio to continue on Wed. afternoons around 4p.m. bring your lawn chair and join us!
That's about it for now!
Darlene called the meeting to order and Judy Nordquist gave the invocation. Beverly Telfor led us in the pledge and singing of God Bless America
Connie gave a short mgr. report. Bobby Thomas gave a property report.And there was a treasury report.
The Monday night dances will start next Mon. instead of this Monday, (a mix up with Al Mikesh).
Irene said cards sent to: Frank Willard, hosp. tests, Larry and Colleen Bosler (new folks) brother died, Peg Bloom, knee surgery, Marlene Hicks surgery on the 11th, Dorothy Young, former resident called and said how nice that we remembered her with a card, and it meant a lot to her.
Martha and Anita provided the donuts for this Monday meeting both had birthdays Sat.
Looking for volunteers to do Christmas Dinner.
Sue and Ken Barnhart are chairing the golf cart and bicycle parade this year!
Flea market to be held Dec. 3rd
Happy Hour on the patio to continue on Wed. afternoons around 4p.m. bring your lawn chair and join us!
That's about it for now!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
1st Monday morning meeting
Darlene Bryant, Chairperson called the meeting to order and Bev led the pledge and singing God Bless America, Jan Philipp secretery. New folks here for the first time were Charlie and Stella Stevens on lot #E-3, they
re from Canada.
Jack and connie welcomed everyone and had some things to say...the gate will close at 9:00p.m. instead of 6:00. she spoke of things that they got done here in the park this Summer, 50amp service in the 99, new oads poured back there, maintence on the hall and office etc. The card reader removed from the front gate, only your clicker will open the gate now, No longer hiring Asst. mgrs. just "helpers"
Irene gave a report on cards sent, one to Joann Sanstra, hosp, Larry Dixon, Mary Hilde, hosp, and Harvey Madsen, knee surgery
Art Bloom gave the invocation.
Folks who passed away
Dale McClurg
Bill Bryant
Edith Thimijon
June Childs
Henrietta Johnson
Bud Mauser
Rex Brenneman
Freda Conwell
The dances start Nov. 8th with Mikesh, Benevides floor care cleaned floor and waxed it.
Several activities to start , Shuffling starts this Tuesday, "31", Exercises starting Tuesday etc. Just to name a few.chair persons were named etc.
bobby Thomas is doing biscuits and gravy this coming Sat. morning, also we are having "Happy Hour" in the breezeway area this Wed. with Sharon selling popcorn.
Don and Linda Miller donated 50 pounds of popcorn to the club this year!
A big thank you to Kay Gibson and crew for a great Halloween party!
Havertape agreed to chair Thanksgiving dinner
thats about all I know folks
re from Canada.
Jack and connie welcomed everyone and had some things to say...the gate will close at 9:00p.m. instead of 6:00. she spoke of things that they got done here in the park this Summer, 50amp service in the 99, new oads poured back there, maintence on the hall and office etc. The card reader removed from the front gate, only your clicker will open the gate now, No longer hiring Asst. mgrs. just "helpers"
Irene gave a report on cards sent, one to Joann Sanstra, hosp, Larry Dixon, Mary Hilde, hosp, and Harvey Madsen, knee surgery
Art Bloom gave the invocation.
Folks who passed away
Dale McClurg
Bill Bryant
Edith Thimijon
June Childs
Henrietta Johnson
Bud Mauser
Rex Brenneman
Freda Conwell
The dances start Nov. 8th with Mikesh, Benevides floor care cleaned floor and waxed it.
Several activities to start , Shuffling starts this Tuesday, "31", Exercises starting Tuesday etc. Just to name a few.chair persons were named etc.
bobby Thomas is doing biscuits and gravy this coming Sat. morning, also we are having "Happy Hour" in the breezeway area this Wed. with Sharon selling popcorn.
Don and Linda Miller donated 50 pounds of popcorn to the club this year!
A big thank you to Kay Gibson and crew for a great Halloween party!
Havertape agreed to chair Thanksgiving dinner
thats about all I know folks
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday Oct. 29th

Happy Halloween Everyone!
Hi all! I guess when there's not too much news I forget to post anything.And that's the way it is this week.
We had around 50 or so for donuts today and Bill Welch and Mial Stensland provided them. We are all looking forward to a fun Halloween Party Sunday, and the chili and vegetable soup sounds so good! No news was reported at th get-to-gether.
Mary Hilde, who was feeling so weak and sick to her stomach is feeling better, she was taken to the hospital but released after a few tests.Hopefully getting her strength back now. JoAnn Sanstra is in the hospital again but no report on hopw she is doing. And Dale Clark was in for a couple days and is home, I think.
The office has been painted finally, it was started several weeks ago.
We had a fun "Happy Hour" Wednesday, 45-50 there.
someone sent this to me. I thought it appropriate for this time of year!!

I will make a "smilebox" of the Halloween party for you , Monday
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22nd

We did have someone step up to buy donuts this Friday, Norman Gibbs, we also have someone for next Friday. I went to the pool for exercises so didn't go. there looked to be a big crowd when I looked in the card room.
We have been busy furnishing our new room, so it's been a busy week for us.
This week I will be getting the 5th wheel ready for Sister, Mickey.
Jan and Gary Philipps got in last night, gosh she looks sooo good! She's lost weight and is healing good after her surgery.
I received word of the passing of Rex Brenneman, His memorial service is today in Wichita. They sure loved coming to the Valley for the Winter, I think 2006 was the last year they were here.
Mary Hilde was taken by ambulance to the hospital, I understand as soon as she gets a little stronger they will heading back to Minnesota.
Our Halloween party will be great fun, Chili or Vegetable soup and entertainment. It's always fun to see what people come up with for costumes.If you are going to be here you might call ahead so Kay Gibson will have a count on the number of folks coming.Sue Barnhart is selling tickets , her no. is, 281-687-3701.
Hey woudn't it be fun to go on a cruise with a group of R.V.E.ers?
Contact Darlene Ales at 956-968-2885, it's a Western Caribbean Cruise Jan 23-30
with Chuck Olson. Theres a coach to Galveston included in the prices.
We had Happy Hour in the breezeway this last Wednesday and will have it there again this coming Wed. Sharon Sprague made popcorn, maybe we could have a Happy Hour every week???
That's about it for now, see ya soon!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Gene Kolibas Birthday Bash
Oh my gosh what a great party Gene Koliba put on! Turning "65" and now he's going to get his first SS check!! lol There must have been way over 100 people for the party and a fabulous B.B.Q. catered in by "Willy's B.B.Q." the Brisket was fork tender with their famous apple cole slaw, potato salad, pinto beans, Texas size bread and iced tea. We had the birthday cake for dessert. The entertainment was "Janie" the other half of famous O.J. and Janie band, she did a great job, and got a whole lot of folks out there on the dance floor. I took a lot of pictures and made a smile box slide show.
This is the image I put on the invitations but I put his Head in place of the old mans head and this very image is on his birthday cake!! It was hilarious!!
This is the image I put on the invitations but I put his Head in place of the old mans head and this very image is on his birthday cake!! It was hilarious!!

Friday, October 15, 2010
October 15th

We will be having a Halloween Party Oct. 31st.Sue Barnhart has agreed to help Kay with it!
It's 53 degrees this morning....brrrr!!!but it's going to warm up to 87. Low humidity, such wonderful weather this time of year. I have seen some of the most beautiful fall foliage pictures from Magnolia Parks blog and Barb Brookers blog, I sure miss the Changing of seasons.
The office provided the donuts this morning. We thought close to 45 people there this morning! No mgr. there. Supposed to be the last of our Friday morning coffee and donuts but I know someone will step up and offer to buy for next Friday? So far no one stepped up to do that! And hopefully the following Friday, then we will start with the Monday morning meetings.
So many people have come in now, I can't begin to list them all.
There are lots of cards up in the lobby to sign...Gene Koliba's brother died, Gordon Lamp, surgery, Bob Bruce, brother died, Marlen Prohaska had back surgery, Gary Philipps sister-in-law died in a farm related accident, Bana Southworth injured her wrist in a fall, A card to Darlene Cook, who is battling Cancer. I received a call from Bob Kerkau, they're usually here by now , but Bob had a detached retina surgery, and he is going to have catarac surgery this Fall too. They will be coming hopefully around the 10th or 12th of November. I had a real surprise yesterday, Dorothy Young called from Wisconsin! she's still lives in a place very much like John Knox. Where they have cottages for those who don't need much assistance, and then Assisted living quarters and then the Nursing home part of it. She has been living on her own at this facility all this time.
Her husband Gordon and her lived in #412.
You really should go and visit Mary Lou's blog slowboattonursinghome, scroll down to "Words of Wisdom" so hilarious! Also "Where ya from" very neat writings!
Our pool still not ready yet! Ranchero has been nice enough to have some of us over to Aquasize in their pool.
Friday, October 8, 2010
October 8th
A lovely morning here in S. Texas, I had a lite jacket when walking the doggy this morning, but it warmed up fast!
Jack and Mary Jo Havertape provided the donuts for us this morning.
We had a "Fun night" last night with folks bringing finger food, it was really well attended, there must have been over 60 people there. Lots of goodies!
Someone reported that Connie said the pool will not be fixed for 2 more weeks! I guess they got the part in but I haven't talked to the mgrs. so just going by what was reported to me.
Those of you coming in to the 99's will be surprised at the nice new pads that were poured, but also there's piles of the top spoil and grass roots from where they dug out for the pads and it is piled on a lot of lots back there(which were low)and has been there for a couple weeks,I don't know if the park is going to level that dirt out or what. It looks bad. The assitant managers were both painting the bathrooms in the 99's, when I went by this morning. So they aren't going to be remodeling them.
Not anything more to tell ya, quite a few more folks have come in! So get on down here ya'll!
Jack and Mary Jo Havertape provided the donuts for us this morning.
We had a "Fun night" last night with folks bringing finger food, it was really well attended, there must have been over 60 people there. Lots of goodies!
Someone reported that Connie said the pool will not be fixed for 2 more weeks! I guess they got the part in but I haven't talked to the mgrs. so just going by what was reported to me.
Those of you coming in to the 99's will be surprised at the nice new pads that were poured, but also there's piles of the top spoil and grass roots from where they dug out for the pads and it is piled on a lot of lots back there(which were low)and has been there for a couple weeks,I don't know if the park is going to level that dirt out or what. It looks bad. The assitant managers were both painting the bathrooms in the 99's, when I went by this morning. So they aren't going to be remodeling them.
Not anything more to tell ya, quite a few more folks have come in! So get on down here ya'll!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
September 30th

Patty and Gordon Lamp and Mary Hennigar provided the donuts this Friday.
Oh my what beautiful weather we are having. Lows in the 60's!! High of 80's!!!!
Low humidity!! Great morning bike riding and walking weather.
Our pool unusable now for aquasizing so the gals are walking for exercise this week. The heater off close to 2 months now! Frustrating!
They're painting the outside of the office this week.
Some folks have returned for the Winter already,Art and Mary Voss,John and Linda Bowers,Gertie Rufkaar,John and Irene Quail. Many coming in this month!I made a mistake on the date of Gene Koliba's big Birthday Party it is the 16th of October. He's having B.B.Q, catered in and will have entertainment.
We are having finger food this coming thursday night at 5:00p.m. you all can stay after and play games etc.
Good news!! Darlene Andrews has had her last chemo and Dr. says she's cancer free! Oh what great news!
There were several cards to sign this week, Aloyce Berglund had surgery on her toes, Jan Philipp had a dble mastectomy, Diana Bruce, broken bone in foot, Judy Anselmin in hospital for very high blood pressure, and a card to the Family of Bud Mauser, Bud passed away.
Lots of Birthdays in October: Bonnie Bryant, Anne Mitz, Mary Hennigar, Dorothy Skovbo, Penny Rush, Gordon Lamp, Ray Davis, Gene Koliba, and Dale Clark!
Anniversary's this month: Tom and Mary Lou Benson, John and Irene Quail, Fred and Barbara Swaggert, Bill and Pat Hamlet, and Jack and Connie Bardon.
Around town: we saw that the big Exon station and Taco Bell across from MacDonalds is being torn down.
Well that's about it for today. See alot of you real soon!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday Sept.24th

Hello everyone!I took this picture the other evening, we do have beautiful sunsets here.
Rexroads supplied the donuts this morning. I didnt go but Bobby did. He said Gene Koliba talked about his upcoming Birthday Party. He is having a catered meal and entertainment for his "65th" Birthday! All invited! Janie will be the entertainment. She's O.J.s daughter,and both of them entertained here in the Valley for years. O.J. is retired now. It's on the 15th of October
Still no one from management at the Friday donuts so no report from them.
The pool heater has been broken for over 6 weeks now. I hope it gets fixed pretty soon, the water temperature is going down and we will be getting cooler mornings soon.
Cards to sign are to Juanita Fisher, surgery, and Zeke Loeck's Mother passed away. Also a card for Darlene Cook, she's not doing too well as I understand.
The new C.V.S. Pharmacy is sure nice. It's on Bus. 83 East of town. And there sure is alot of work being done over by the new Penny's and Lowes stores.A new T.J. Max store next to Penny's now. I'm sure more stores are coming in. Business 83 going East passed 1015 is all torn up. They are widening that road. With all the rain there's lots of potholes in the streets. going into Home Depot yesterday we had to drive around a drop off of about 10 inches deep!
We are going to try the fish fry tonight North of us near where the Rams Restaurant was. I will let you know how it is...It's a Mexican restaurant. Of course I still like the El Jalisco Restaurant on the other side of Home Depot off of Westgate. Their Tex-Mex enchildas are soo good and Happy Hour prices on drinks.
Saturday and Sunday afternoons they have Mexican dancers in there. We haven't gone to see them yet but want to , one of these days. El Jalisco has a restaurant in Mexico , where they had the live dancers, I suppose they are still open over there.
Well, I don't have anything more to tell ya......Oh, I am so excited about my Sister, Mickey, coming to our park in November! She will be staying in the 99's!She's retired and is from Clive,Iowa. After last winter in Iowa she decided she should be where it's warmer!!!I kept telling her that!!!!
So long ya'll

Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday Sept. 17

Ken Costly and Cheryl Maxon provided dounts this morning.
We are to get some scattered thunderstorms today and tomarrow then Sun. and Mon. heavy rains and storms, the affects of hurricane Karl. We really don't need a whole lot of rain...but...
Cement workers were busy in the front of the office widening the sidewalk.
I believe they're done with pouring pads in the 99 section.
I had a few pictures taken at the Illinois breakfast but now I can't seem to find them. Sue and Ken Barnhart attended along with quite a few others who come down here for the Winter also saw Erna Beese in one picture, (her and her husband Rudy used to live beside us). Also the Lenius's, Andersons, Donna Granath & Ron, Hayelans, and others.
Larry Dixon is home from rehab!!
Not much other news here, no cards to sign

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Friday Sept. 10th

This morning Darlene Bryant and Clarice Cristensen provided the donuts. There was no discussion just nice fellowship.
I hear there's been some darn cool mornings up North!!! Sure wish we had some of it down here, we are still very hot and so humid!The hurricane Hermine did not cool us off. Just dumped lots of rain and made it all the more humid. We were so lucky here in the mid Valley. Mexico (South of Brownsville)got alot of wind and rain...They said on the T.V. 3500 homes destroyed. Brownsville got lots of wind, gusts of over 60, some gusts up to 70, lots of power lines down poorly constructed houses damaged and tree damage, as was the Harlingen area and North of there for a long ways. Early on that evening the T.V. said it was heading our way and to get ready. Tornado warnings near Olmito , Brownsville and other reports of either hurricane force winds or could have been tornadic winds. several reports on T.V. said there was lots of damage over to the East of us that was pretty severe.
But the storm would take a Northerly turn then Easterly and then back Northerly.We had a pretty steady rain late in the evening, then around 2:30 a.m. it really picked up, I thought the wind must be terribly strong, lasting about an hour (the most wind)
then the next morning on the news they said we only got 25 mph winds with gusts of 40-42, so most of the very intense storm went North after coming on shore.We had tornado watches all evening until morning. We got some pretty good downpours yesterday. The worse fear for us was the watershed getting more rain to our West but thank God it did turn North. We only got a couple inches of rain here.
I was so glad to hear Mary Loeke is getting along real good now with her new knee. She had infection after but got an email saying she's now doing good!
Also Larry Dixson is doing much better, he's in rehab. Jan Philipp recovering after having more surgery to prevent breast cancer, (she had pre-cancerous cells removed)
Aloyce Berglund had surgery on her toes. Now there's a new card up for Darlem McElwee, her brother passed away.
We don't get any report from Management this Summer. No one ever shows for Friday donuts. Grrrrr! Just from what we heard we are not getting any new black top just the overlay this Summer. Lots of pads being poured out in the 99's as I said before, I am not real sure but heard they are going to paint the office and small hall on the outside. The heater still not working in the pool. We have had no break-ins this Summer!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Friday Sept. 3rd

I took a few pictures of the new concrete pads being poured in the 99 section.
I don't know how many new ones they will pour. They will be real nice for the R.V.ers, also we got new dumpsters, and 4 new washers in the laundry room.
Paul and Doris Davis provided donuts this morning. It's their 60th wedding anniversary
Hamlets and Costly are here now. It won't be long before more folks start coming in. The price of gas has gone down, $2.36 average for Regular
The pool heater is broke but with the warm weather it is warm enough to swim in. Hopefully they will get it fixed soon!
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