Christmas Orkut Scrap

More Animated Orkut Scraps
RVE CLUB MEETING – Vice chair Jim Moeller called meeting to order.
Accompanists – Jan Delashmit
Invocation – Bob Amos
Secretary Report – Maxine Topel
Treasurer Report – Gordon Amos
Welcome to all new arrivals& those new to our park!
Merry Christmas to all !!
MANAGEMENT REPORT: Manager Craig told us Dana had sinus surgery this week, recovering at home. The hot tub & pool are both up & running. If you are expecting packages, please check at office as there are a “ton” of packages there.
Treasurer Gordon Amos gave his report & it was approved. Properties chair Ron Zoeller reported linoleum in bottom of cupboards needs replacing. He has leftover vinyl to be used & looking for someone who can “get on knees” to install. Board member Lynn Stamp showed a folding chair for folks to try for comfort, could be ordered at cost of $41-42 plus shipping & tax. Will talk about this next Monday. It was mentioned storage might be a problem.
Entertainment chair Marylyn Mason thanked all who came to Friday’s program featuring Cleckler Elementary kids. Over $600 proceeds went to the school. First entertainment of 2020 will be Jan. 10 with Kody Norris Band. Cost is $8 pp.
Monday night dances begin Jan. 6 with Hot Rodz playing, $7 pp.
TY to Jean Stamp & Donna Goodwin who volunteered to serve donuts during January .. and to Dan Bryant for making coffee.
Helen Curtis. Cards to sign are in office area.: Dana Daves, sinus surgery; Chris Stephens, death of sister-in-law.
Your club board will do January breakfasts.
What a wonderful Italian Dinner we had on Tuesday! Thanks, Mark & Linda Kunkel & committee.
A fun time was had on Thursday evening with the Golf Cart Parade. Thanks to Norbys & committee.
Dave Johnson #93 continues to work on new park directories. He askes residents to give him changes by Jan. 17. He will complete & print these for distribution first Monday in February.
Activity Calendars are posted by Judi DeKoning. Names of chairmen are shown on front page of newsletter. Changes may be given to Judi or Mary Lou. . If you’d like a copy, Dana will be happy to make you one, or call Judi 815-985-3085, You can email Judi at to get on her calendar email group.
Park Breakfast is at Fiesta Tex-Mex every Thursday, 8 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Park Pizza Parties begin in Jan., 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. These are held at Peter Piper Pizza with Dean & Millie Ricke and Jim & Donna Goodwin chairing. If you have a Peter Piper cup, bring it as your beverage is free. Dean has a few extras.
Bible Study is held Tuesdays, 6 p.m. in dart room with John McDaniel.
No Euchre on Dec. 24 or Dec. 31 says Mark Wieners.
Bean Bags will be played outdoors tomorrow due to hall being decorated for Christmas Dinner.
Judy Shively has begun a Late Riser’s Walking Exercise activity 10 a.m. Monday through Friday in the quilting area. This is an inside walking by VCR tape & does not replace the 7:30 a.m. walking exercise. Would be Jan. thru March.
Continue to save plastic bags (example HEB or Walmart) to give to Judy Nordquist, for her mat project.
Like to learn to shuffle? Chair Dave Johnson is gone until Jan. 4. In his absence Jim Moeller & LeRoy Larson will help if you’d like to learn….Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday mornings,
9 a.m.
Vic Greenlee reports he has a John Denver 2 hour DVD filmed a couple years prior to Denver’s death. He said possibly this could be shown on a Thursday movie night if enough interest.
Bill Jones is wondering if some might like to play Card Bingo. It was suggested he bring cards for this on New Year’s Eve so folks could give it a try. Would need date & time if interest in this game
This Week:
George & Sharyl Krantz chair Christmas Day Dinner. Plan to eat at 1 p.m. Meal is buffet style. Sign up please. Include in your count any guests who may be attending with you. Decorate tables when you see the committee has tables covered. Bring your own table service.
New Year’s Eve Party will be held in Friendship Hall Dec. 31. Everyone come help set up & clean up, bring your favorite games .. no committee needed.
Looking Ahead:
Flea Market is Jan. 10, 8 to noon, according to Sue McLaughlin in chair Lucy Johnson’s absence. If you can furnish a pie, do so. Write over toward right of sign up sheet how many tables you need.
Ken Barnhart reminded us to put Jan. 23 on the calendar…it’s the 10th year of RVE’s Sock Hop! Theme is 10th Class Reunion so dress to impress your classmates. Bring a graduation picture (or close to that time). Tickets go on sale Jan. 6 at $6 pp or $48 for table. Prizes will be given for best decorated table. Committee is working on a slide show of memories from past 9 years.
Vicki Davis #252 & Arleta Blevins co-chair the Feb. 6 Craft Sale. All tables are sold! There will be lunch with sandwiches & homemade pies